Thanks Nathan for inspiring me to keep track of my movie reviews more systematically. Guess I'm reviving this blog once again, as per the summer usual.
Magic Mike (2012)
Yet another gem from the relatively successful, and critically divisive Steven Soderbergh. Magic Mike proves that Soderbergh is best when his subject matter is sex (Sex Lies & Videotape, by far is strongest film in my opinion). However, for a film about stripping, Magic Mike is strangely PG (minus one offhand shot with True Blood's Alceed - you'll know what I'm talking about if you've seen it). The lack of sexuality actually works in the film's favor, making Channing Tatum's Mike more a likeable everyman than an object of desire. The contrast between his character and Alex Pettyfer, established from the very beginning, works well and their chemistry is strongest in the film - in one of the more heartwarming moment, Adam asks Mike to be his best friend. Awwwww.
A lot of noise has been made about the cinematography. Duh. It's great. What's more surprising about the film is that it's moralistic without being preachy. Tatum is charming, but it's easy to see through his "Magic Mike" persona to Mike the furniture builder. However, one of the weaker elements is his relationship with Kristen Stewart's long lost sister, Cody Horn. Though their witty banter is well written, it's a hard sell on why he goes the extra mile to make it work with her but can't salvage things with Olivia Munn. I mean, have you seen Olivia Munn.
Tatum caught me by surprise, but after hearing Oscar buzz around McConaughey's Dallas, I had high expectations. Which he certainly did not disappoint. Reminiscent of Tom Cruise's fabulous, against type performance in Tropic Thunder, McConaughey played what could be interpreted as his worst self with bravado, style and unexpected subtly
Lot's of screaming females will go to see Channing Tatum, Matthew McConaughey, Matt Bomer (yum), and Alceed in their undies. And they will not be disappointed. The film is full of fantastic dance routines and humping of random chicks (curious how much these ladies paid to be in this flick), but it's plot line works well, the actors pull it off (literally! Ha, puns) and delivers a well-rounded, thoughtful film.
Rating: 8.5/10
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